How To Select Scissors

Follow the steps
to find the basic scissors
that suit you for blunt cut (creating shape).

Measuring the length your middle finger

By measuring the length of your middle finger, you can
know the inch size of the scissors that fits your hand.
If your middle finger is 8 cm or more,
6 inches or longer scissors are recommended.

What is the length
of your middle finger?

Under 8 cm

The angle of the scissors

Offset Handle/Hennessy Handle

The difference in elbow height.
Depending on the angle of the handle, there is a difference in the height of the elbow when holding the scissors.

Which angle do you prefer, Straight Handle or Hennessy Handle?

  • Straight Handle

    Standard straight type

  • Hennessy Handle

    Our original handle

Deciding the handle

If you chose straight type in STEP2,

Which handle do you prefer, Offset Handle or Eyeglass Handle?

  • Offset Handle

    Thumb fits naturally.

  • Eyeglass Handle

    Large finger holes will allow your hand to have a higher degree of movement.

Under 8cmRecommend Products

AHennessy Handle
  • TurningQueen

    Sword shape blade scissors with bearings. Opening and closing is smooth. These received the Japanese good design award.

  • NewHennessyS

    Old standby for mini scissors.

BOffset Handle
  • MaticlineS

    "Power can also be felt in the tip of the scissors. Popular with both men and women.

  • MaticlineCL

    "The sword shape blades have power. Straight handle, 6 inches scissors.

CEyeglass Handle
  • ForteSword

    Eyeglass handle powerful sword shape blade scissors.

  • MeganeST

    Easy to use for turning in a small radius and able to cut softly.

Over 8 cm

The angle of the scissors

Offset Handle/Hennessy Handle

The difference in elbow height.
Depending on the angle of the handle, there is a difference in the height of the elbow when holding the scissors.

Which angle do you prefer, Straight Handle or Hennessy Handle?

  • Straight Handle

    Standard straight type

  • Hennessy Handle

    Our original handle

Deciding the handle

If you chose straight type in STEP2,

Which handle do you prefer, Offset Handle or Eyeglass Handle?

  • Offset Handle

    Thumb fits naturally.

  • Eyeglass Handle

    Large finger holes will allow your hand to have a higher degree of movement.

Over 8cmRecommend Products

DHennessy Handle
  • FlyingZⅡ

    The opening and closing feeling is light, less tiring even with continuous cutting.

  • NewHennessyFlex

    Soft cutting feeling. Popular with both barbers and hairdressers.

EOffset Handle
  • Maticline

    Power in the tip of the scissors is the reason of polularity with both barbers and hairdressers.

  • DaitackⅡ

    Semi long scissors suitable for scissor over comb etc.

FEyeglass Handle
  • MeganeSTⅤS

    The cutting feeling is soft. These are semi long symmetry eyeglass handle scissors.

  • SnobHummingbirdⅠ

    Double bearings are used to open and close smoothly and can be cut easily even when used for a long time.